Sightseeing in Estonia - Tõstamaa Parish

Kõpu kirik
  The Holy Trinity Orthodox Church
of Kõpu

Tõstamaa Rural municipality (261 km², 1537 residents) is a beautiful region with extremely diverse nature where one can find a long coastline, coastal and wooded meadows, erratic boulder fields, sand dunes, primeval forest and beautiful rivers. The territory of the rural municipality also includes a small part of Nätsi-Võlla bog, a bigger part of Lindi swamp and the biggest lakes of Lääne County Ermistu and Tõhela. In order to preserve all the above, Tõstamaa coastal region, Varbla coastal region and Kihnu Strait Marine Park have been created.

The most interesting sights being under nature conservation are certainly the seamarks Kastna oaks, Manija Kokkakivi associated with the Old Nick, Tõrvanõmme pine associated with billionaire Anna Tõrv-Murdoch, manor parks, mysterious and distant Sorgu. The only occupied island Manilaid being the pride of the municipality is also famous for its natterjack toads.

At the same time, there are many historical, archaeological and architectural objects in the municipality: 4 churches, Tõstamaa manor with its entire complex, Pootsi manor complex, Pootsi windmill, several stone barrows, village cemeteries, sacrificial stones and trees.

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Sightseeing tour in Tõstamaa municipality.

A tour of the sights of Tõstamaa municipality offers the visitor an overview of the rich historical and cultural heritage of the area, as well as a glimpse into the natural values of the area. During the approximately four-hour tour, the following places will be visited:

  • Kõpu Church
    A historical overview of Kõpu church and village, the life and activities of St. Platon

  • Pootsi manor and windmill
    Pootsi manor and manor stories, Pootsi windmill and windmills in general in Tõstamaa municipality

  • Seli church and museum room
    Seli church in history and nowadays, museum and locals

  • Tar pine
    Nature of Tõstamaa, Tõrvanõmme pine and the richest woman in the world

  • Tõstamaa manor and park
    Local acquaintances, manor and gentlemen, Tõstamaa Museum

  • Chestnut oaks and juniper
    Kastna manor, juniper, Kastna oaks, sailors and Hollywood in Tõstamaa. If possible and desired, swim on the beach of Sepamaa.

Information and booking by phone +372 523 6066 or via e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.